Wednesday, July 14, 2010

H-moon Recap: Me, Tarzan...You, Jane!

One of the very coolest things we did on our honeymoon was a tree top walk in Lamington National Rainforest in Australia.  This little 'hike' was part of O'Reilly's Retreat where we stayed for only one day. 

I loved O'Reilly's because it reminded me of those summer or science type camps you would visit out in the middle of the woods in nature.   We had a great time hiking through the rainforest which I'll share in a future recap...but for today, I just wanted to share a few pieced together personal video clips of this little walk through the trees.

You walk along a boardwalk through the woods...we did this the morning that we left O'Reilly's and the sun was out and the birds were chirping and it was so nice out weather-wise.  Just off the boardwalk is a little set of chained together bridges that take you 'up' into the trees.  Most of the 9 suspension bridges that you walk through the trees are about 55 feet above the ground.  Though it's weird because you don't feel like you are really off the ground at all...that is, until you get to the two observation decks.  These are actually 110 feet off the ground and are only accessible by a metal ladder which is surrounded by a protective wire cage.  You'll see all this in the video.  So take a look...

It was actually somewhat scary climbing those ladders.  As I have mentioned before, my tough guy, Mr Fix It is afraid of heights.  So I spared him the embarassment of the video that shows where he started to panic a little climbing to the lower observation deck.  He didn't make it up to the second one like I did but I was so proud of him for pushing himself and climbing up with me. 

This was by far one of my favorite activities on our honeymoon.  What was your fave thing you did on your h-moon?  Or if you haven't gone yet, what are you most looking forward to on your h-moon or what was a fave activity on a previous vacation?

TODAY'S HONEYMOON TIP:  We found out about this little hiking adventure through the resort we stayed at.  So be sure to check with resorts and hotels you are visiting to ask them about referrals and suggestions on local activities and entertainment.

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