Monday, June 14, 2010

Wed recap: Raise your hand if you're sure!!!

I was definitely sure on April 16th that Mr Fix It was the man for me
and that I was truly Born to be Mrs. Beever!

I wish I could say the entire day felt like this for me...but as I have said before and will continue to share, the day went by in such a blur.  I have no recollection at all of what was going on at this moment for me to be raising a fist above my head like that.  I am due to get my raw footage from our wedding DVD back on Wednesday this week (that means hopefully tomorrow).  I am hoping maybe there is some video footage of this moment that will help me remember.  :)

Anyone want to have some fun today and write a caption for this photo?!?  Come on, make me laugh!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Robert Mullins is the crappiest wedding photographer and cannot get a decent shot for the life of him! Raise your fist in the air if this is true!!! hahahaha